Author: Dr Brian De'Ambrosis

About Dr Brian De'Ambrosis
Dermatologist - MBBS, FACD Dr De’Ambrosis is in private practice at South-East Dermatology in Brisbane. He is a senior visiting medical officer in procedural dermatology at Princess Alexandra Hospital and is also a visiting dermatologist at the Queensland Institute of Dermatology. Dr De’Ambrosis has several publications related to skin cancer and general dermatological disorders. His special interests include melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers, Mohs surgery (a highly specialised form of skin cancer surgery), acne and laser surgery.
Here are some simple tips to save your skin and keep summer acne in check
Summer skin – sun smart tips to deal with acne

It’s that time of year again – hot days, warm nights and holidays on the upside; mozzies, sweat and sunburn on the downside! Dealing with acne in the hotter months can also be a bit tricky so here’s some simple tips to save your skin and keep your acne in check this summer.

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Low GI diet: best evidence for improving acne
Low GI diet: best evidence for improving acne

Wondering what food changes you can make to help improve acne? Consider a low Glycaemic Index (GI) diet – it has the strongest evidence according to a recent review.

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