Acne Treatments

It’s not always a quick fix, but don’t give up hope!

Everyone wants to get rid of their acne as quickly as possible which is why quick-fix acne treatments sound so appealing.

The reality is, effective acne treatments take time and patience.

In mild cases that can mean a few weeks, but if you have severe or cystic acne, it can take a few months.

The upside is, with the right treatment, you’ll see results along the way.

Why you should talk to a medical professional first

Why you should talk to a medical professional first

Buying acne treatments online after reading a great celebrity testimonial might seem like a good idea – but it’s not! 

The wrong products can aggravate your skin and make your acne even worse. 

Before you spend any money buying an advertised quick fix or an expensive skincare range, talk to your pharmacist, GP or see a dermatologist. 

It could save you money and your skin.

Ready to start treating your acne?

Skin Care for Acne

Find out which skin care routine is best.

Seeing a Doctor

How to know when it’s time to see a doctor for your acne.

Acne Medication

Understand the range of safe and effective acne medications.


“After my acne cleared I was practically a new person”

“My problem with acne was on my chest and the back of my neck. The acne on my chest was quite severe and very distressing especially during summer when it came time to hit the beach with friends. I would spend most summer swimming in a T-shirt.”
– Mike, 29

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