Acne News

New remedies in treating adolescent acne are on the way

Acne affects more than 80 per cent of teenagers across the globe and can be attributed to the specific bacteria found in adolescent acne that actively triggers outbreaks. The good […]

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Skin yeast infections can co-exist with acne, study reveals

A 2022 peer-reviewed study published the Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology journal has revealed that a skin infection called Malassezia folliculitis (MF) can not only co-exist with acne but also imitate […]

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Dermatologists are encouraging more people to use bespoke skincare routines, not just store-bought solutions

Choosing the appropriate skincare products for you should be considered in tandem with your medical treatment. Despite this, new research from the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology has revealed that 40 […]

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Treating acne in transgender and gender-diverse youth
Treating acne in transgender and gender-diverse youth

Healthcare providers are being urged to take consideration when treating transgender and gender diverse (TGD) youth for skin conditions like acne. According to the Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington […]

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Why adults with acne don’t seek treatment
Why adults with acne don’t seek treatment

It’s no surprise that it’s not just teenagers who suffer from acne, what is surprising however is that only a quarter of adults with acne seek treatment, according to research […]

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New study finds topical vitamin-D acne cream just as effective as retinoid acne gels 
New study finds topical vitamin-D acne cream just as effective as retinoid acne gels 

A new study published in Dermatologic Therapy involving 40 patients, found that a vitamin-D based acne cream was just as effective as retinoid (vitamin A) gel, a well-recognised and commonly […]

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