Acne News

How the menstrual cycle affects hormonal acne for varying ethnicities
How the menstrual cycle affects hormonal acne for varying ethnicities

It’s no surprise that the menstrual cycle increases the prevalence of hormonal acne among women, however a new study out of Sweden suggests hormonal fluctuations may differ for women depending […]

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Video content best for acne education and lowering anxiety
Video content best for acne education and lowering anxiety

Acne education is more effective when a video is included, according to recent findings out of Taiwan.   Researchers reviewed the effectiveness of video in increasing the health literacy of a sample […]

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Probiotics may be good for acne too

We know probiotics are good for the gut, but there’s new evidence to suggest they may also help support treatment of mild to moderate acne too.

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New acne treatment for endocrine disorders

Relief is now in sight for adult women of reproductive age who suffer from a common endocrine disorder that also causes acne.

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Maskne impacts half of all health workers: Study

More than half of all healthcare workers in a recent study have developed an acne-related skin condition due to extended mask wearing.

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Acne and rosacea in skin of colour

People with skin of colour need individual treatment plans when it comes to their acne and rosacea, according to researchers.

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