Acne News

Survey of twins supports genetic link for acne

A study involving the world’s largest gathering of twins supports research that there is a genetic link for acne, but environmental factors may influence its severity.

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High risk of depression after acne diagnosis

New research shows depression and acne may be more closely linked than previously thought.

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Cannabis compound trialled for acne treatment

An Australian company has recently completed Phase I clinical trials using synthetic cannabidiol – an active compound found in cannabis – for the treatment of acne in a world first.

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New acne treatment available in Australia

A topical acne treatment combining adapalene with benzoyl peroxide (Epiduo) is now available in a stronger form as Epiduo Forte.

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Acne vaccine clinical trials could start soon

A dermatology professor is hoping to start clinical trials for an acne vaccine developed over the past five years.

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Teenagers verbally abused because of their acne

A recent survey has found almost two-thirds of British teens with acne are verbally abused because of their skin condition.

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